
Print and Website Design Projects

While at Trevo I was tasked with many things as the Creative Director. However, the first thing I noticed was how dark and gloomy the marketing materials were. Here we had a natural supplement with a wide variety of ingredients (174 to be exact) and the marketing materials being used were not inviting. It didn’t make me think of a beautiful, healthy superfood. I set out to give the pieces a vibrant feel. The managers and directors in some of our key areas like Africa, India and Japan loved them.

My team also worked on print campaigns for promotion on social media. One in particular started because our Japan office wanted materials they could utilize in meetings. After brainstorming, we came up with a series of pieces that focused on the benefits of the supplement. We took a clean and simple approach to those materials.


Compensation Brochure Redesign – After and Before

Print and Social Media Campaign

Booklet Redesign

Distributor Website Redesign

Wireframe Example – Simple