Mickey Mantles Steakhouse

Website Redesign Project

My role for this project was the creative director and strategist. I worked with their marketing director to plan out the best way to present their website. They were in the heart of downtown Oklahoma City and wanted to feature their high-end dining.

As the lead on this project I outlined the idea of focusing more on the photography than the copy. They were using their blog to highlight upcoming events so we designed the banner so that they could feature two blog posts. Another feature I thought would be great was a locking footer that gave 3 key options which were getting people booked for dinner, viewing the blog so they could see the latest specials and signing up for their newsletter to learn about upcoming events. This site design transferred visually to mobile devices.

Mickey Mantles has been recognized in Open Table, Trip Advisor and Adventure Road.

Visit the site – https://mickeymantlesteakhouse.com/
