OK Humane

Website Redesign Project
This was my last project while at BigWing. I had such a great time planning and strategizing for this organization.

I met with the Executive Director many times to really understand both the short term and long term goals for the organization. I reviewed past annual reports and marketing materials. I even took a tour of the facility and attended some events. I really wanted to get the vibe of the organization as a whole before I dove in. Then I started my research.

Once I felt confident about what I wanted to do, I started strategizing the content and layout. I developed a wireframe for each key landing page. From there I worked with the UX designer to come up with an overall styleguide. This allowed the client to start planning for billboards and other advertising material and it allowed for us to set up the look and feel.

This particular project needed an API to import their adoptable animals from the system they used. I worked with my developers to come up with a game plan on what we wanted imported and how it was needing to look.

When all was said and done, the organization got an amazing design. You can see their billboards around the city which is an exciting feeling for me as the Creative Director.

Visit the site – http://www.okhumane.org/
